Monday, 7 July 2014

Nigeria State of mind....

How did we become a Nation living in fear?

I grew up in a Nigeria where there was love after the Biafran war; people had moved on from the pain of the past into a future that looked bright and promising to future generations. But all of a sudden we find ourselves in a dismal situation. It's clear the government never had control of security of the country; the only

security they have
is that of the Central Bank's vault as evident from looting of the nations income from Oil. When I think of Nigeria, so many questions cross my mind; why are our father's not thinking right? why isn't the development of the country and how to better the life of the people number one agenda of the government? why is common sense never used in solving simple matters? why is no one doing anything about Chibok Girls? (Not really making headlines this days, are they forgotten so quick?) why do we hear a lot of talks but no action? why isn't the upcoming generation given a chance to rule the country? why have we been ruled by the same cabal since independence? why isn't there constant electricity & good roads in a country that is blessed with so much? why isn't there a rule law? why so much corruption and no one is in jail? why? why? why?

I know all of the above lead to one ocean.. the Ocean of corruption!! how can corruption fight corruption? how can a government that celebrate corruption fight corruption?. Let the truth be told, there is no Nation in the world where corruption doesn't exist, however, in Nigeria, it is so blatant and easy for the government to do that they don't care about the negative effect it has on the people of Nigeria, simply because they can always run abroad for medical care, good education for their children, whilst the poor is left to wallow in the dilapidated health care and educational system that is not fit for purpose.

(Above) The female ward of a rural Presbyterian Church of Nigeria hospital

People go into government in Africa to enrich their pocket, not for change! sometimes I feel the continent is caused with all it's natural and human resources; Africa should be developed if the people of Africa are keen on development; rather than rely on aids from the west and buy arms to fight each other. Why don't we ask for expertise on how to develop our roads and infrastructures? rather than send our children abroad for education, why don't we developed our institutions and equip our labs so that the same standard of research carried out in the West can be performed in our schools? why aren't we mechanizing our farming system, isn't it as simple as purchasing the correct tractors and training established farmers/prospective farmers how to use it in ploughing? a nation that is good at purchasing generator should be good at purchasing tractors!! the more tractors on our farms, the more food for the people! This will also attract the younger generation to find farming cool... and definitely a career path for the future, you don't have to wear tie and suit to be a millionaire, come to England and you will understand why farming is a profession to embrace... (another common sense abi?).

Why isn't there enough competition in our economy? why should one man be in charge of supplying cement, sugar, flour to a country of 160,000 Million inhabitants; even the Pope of Rome will tell you offering must be collected from different nations on earth to run the Vatican in Rome.

My people, it's time we ask ourselves why Nigeria? why is corruption in the DNA of the nation? we can't continue like this, let us rise up and say no to corruption, if the roads are developed, all of us will benefit from it; if electricity is constant, business will boom, people will create employment, Nigerians are hard-working people, we sure can do way better than what is currently been offered to us as a people. If we really want to know how good we can do as a nation, just take a look at the life of those we voted into government...

Thought of an angry Nigerian leaving abroad...

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